Instead of disabling SELinux, we recommend using permissive mode. It costs only a little more to run in permissive mode than it does to disable SELinux ...
To permanently disable SELinux, follow the procedure below: Procedure 5.4. Disabling SELinux Configure SELINUX=disabled in the /etc/selinux/config file.
Disable SELinux (Linux only) Log in as root . Open the SELinux config file for editing: # cat /etc/selinux/config. Change the line in the file. SELINUX=enforcing. To: SELINUX=disabled. Note: You can also set the SELINUX setting to permissiv
In this how-to guide, we shall walk through steps you can follow to check the status of SELinux and also disable SELinux in CentOS/RHEL and Fedora, in case it ...